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by Chris Martin

Well, well, well…. Quizzes 6A and 6B got some response…like about 25 players apiece. I'm motherflogging stupefied. Do any of you know the meaning of heartache?!? We write and write and write and no response. Godawmighty, is there anybody out there??? Then we create a nickname quiz and a hometown quiz, and the floodgates fly open. There is a soft spot in your heads for the Loaded Question-er after all. To Dennis Harrold, winner of the nickname quiz and J. Clearwater Florida Mazzarella, winner of the hometown quiz, thank you for making my life amount to something.

[2 minutes for crying time]

So let's play again (sniffle). For a box of Wheaties and/or (we haven't decided which) a kiss from our calendar girl, Daisy, answer the following MATCH THE WINNER quiz.

Match the name of the driver on the left with the correct Top Fuel race he won. Simple pimple, right? Go to it, Pruitt.


1. Terry Capp
2. Carl Olson
3. Rick Ramsey
4. Dale Funk
5. James Warren
6. John Wiebe
7. Mike Snively
8. Dennis Baca
9. Kenny Bernstein
10. Doug Herbert

full name:

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