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Words and photos by Larry Ericksmoen.
Action photo by Leigh Simmons.

I'm sure Jok Nicholson's project 4-link dragster has created some interest for dragsters in all you faithful Drag Racing Online readers who may own door slammers. When you change racecars keep in mind that your old trailer may no longer accommodate your new ride.

A few years ago, I sold my Super Gas Roadster and ordered a new double slip joint dragster from Mullis Race Cars. After a short period of sorting out the combination, my new dragster has become an extremely competitive bracket car. It's fast, running seven nineties at a buck 65, ultra consistent week in and week out, and very reliable, needing only minor maintenance.

But not everything is great; there can be some drawbacks to owning a dragster. This became apparent the first time I tried to load my new dragster into my 24-foot trailer. My roadster had spoiled me in this area. Since the roadster had no body overhang or low hanging parts, all it took to get it in the trailer was to hop in it and drive it in. This really comes in handy when you have to make a hasty exit back to the trailer from the staging lanes because of an impending thunderstorm.


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