Can you tell me the quickest, simplest, and most accurate way to check
for conveter slippage?
Car specs:
1967 Camaro, 3300 lbs, 4.56 gears, 9-inch, 1.76 Glide, 29.5-inch tires.
Quarter-mile is run at 10.79, 7200 rpm
1,000-ft is run at 9.0, 6700 rpm
Steve Rogers
The best way to check for converter slippage is to use a data recording
system. It will monitor drive shaft speed and crank shaft speed so that
you can compare the two at different points down the race track. The
data recorder also measures stall speed at the starting line under actual
conditions, rpm drop at shift points, and the actual slippage at the
finish line.
The only other way you might check slippage is to use a Moroso speed
calculator (part #89650) and see what it tells you.
There is no easy way to accurately calculate slippage without a
Mike Stewart is owner of Mikes Transmission
in Lancaster, California. He will answer your questions about automatic
or powerglide transmissions.
Email: Mike@racingnetsource.com |