Volume IX, Issue 12, Page 35


We're building a front engine dragster, and are putting a 283 with Enderle stack injection. It has a Chrysler 8 3/4 with 4.30 gears. We are planning on running no quicker than 10.00 at 135 or so. It's set up for a shorty glide. With this motor (maybe 350hp)what level trans do we need to be safe. (i.e. stock gears OK, what kind of band?, stock pump?, hardened input, output shaft?, drum?) Also, what type of converter do you suggest?

Scott Frymoyer
Reading, PA


It's going to be hard to keep this dragster that slow. It doesn't take much to push 1600 lbs. quicker then a 10.00. The first thing we need to decide on is the setup for this unit. What type of racing it's planned for is a big deal. A Pro Light or Sportsman full tree makes a big difference. On a .4 pro tree, we need a probrake valve body to get the light. As far as the setup on the transmission, a pretty basic one will do. What we need to do is look ahead. You may get tired of 10.00 and want to go faster. Our most basic Ultimate glide would do with a custom built torque converter to match. It has the good, high quality basics to start with, and as you make more power, you can upgrade to other components as needed. If you go to our website, mikestransmission.com and fill out a torque converter data sheet, we could set up a custom package for your application, one custom built with skill and high quality components.


Mike’s Transmission
Lancaster CA
(661) 723-0081


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