Volume IX, Issue 4, Page 33


During a recent inspection of my 454, the thrust bearing was wiped out.  I am running a powerglide with this engine.  I cannot figure out what happened to the thrust bearing in the engine.  The torque converter slips well back from the flexplate when it is unbolted from the flexplate.  I've looked at the converter to see if is cracked, swollen or distorted in some way and it all looks good.  Rumors around the shop blame the transmission, but I cannot see how.  Any idea on how my transmission or converter could have lead to a worn out thrust bearing in the engine?

Mike Armstrong, San Antonio, TX


I have this conversation very often with customers.  Thrust issues are more common than you might think, but like many things it is a combination of things that can cause this problem.  What you need to understand is that this is a hydraulic problem.  It is crank lubrication/VS torque converter charge pressure.  On one end you need good lube pressure to the rear of the main bearing; normally all that you get is what runs off the main bearing so I recommend chamfering the bearing at the upper half to make an oil port to pump direct oil to the thrust.  On the transmission end high line pressure can over charge the torque converter causing it to push harder than the lube on the thrust can handle.  It is a balance between the two that you need to achieve to alleviate this problem.


Mike’s Transmission
Lancaster CA
(661) 723-0081

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