Volume IX, Issue 7, Page 111


I recently installed a Hughes promod drum setup in my glide. I'm running a 270in red with a 475 Chevy and 871 on alky. The car runs mid 7's, and either smokes the converter or burns and warps the high gear clutch plates in one pass. I've been told I should boost valvebody pressure to about 275 to 300lbs by adding a ,030 shim between the spring and the piston in the valve body when installing this promod drum setup. Do you have any advice?


VonVon Dameron
Maui , Hawaii


Just like in the engine and the whole car, it's all in the systems working together to make the car perform. We can throw good parts at the transmission, but if all is not right, it doesn't matter. You need a good transmission and torque converter to match the combination of this vehicle. Once everything is right, it just works and seems simple. The most valuable thing is to have the right people to provide good parts and train you how to install and adjust them.


Mike’s Transmission
Lancaster CA
(661) 723-0081

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