I'm not aware of a kit available. You might want to cruise around the web and see if you can find someone that has them. If not, a good machine shop should be able to make an adapter plate with the engine block and transmission case as a template.
Mike’s Transmission
Lancaster CA
(661) 723-0081
If you go to our website, mikestransmission.com, and click on the torque converter data sheet,you'll see the form we use to view total car setup. This sheet gives us a lot of vital information about a vehicle so we can make a decision about gear ratios, torque converters, etc. In other words, there are a lot of things that contribute to a setup. A lot more then just tire size and gear ratio.
Mike’s Transmission
Lancaster CA
(661) 723-0081
You can also email Mike Stewart at trannytech@dragracingonline.com