


What is the proper procedure to adjust the bands on a powerglide transmission?

Ken Wyandt


To adjust the powerglide low gear band you need to locate band adjustment stud and loosen the nut. It's located just above the shift linkage arm. A 7/32 Allen wrench will fit it. Run it in snug or you can torque it to 72 in. lbs. and then back it off 3 1/2 to 4 turns. It just needs to be loose enough that it isn't dragging too much on the drum.

When we build a unit on the bench, it's easy to see the band and drum so you can tell the drum is free. If the band is too tight it will drag in high gear which will cost mph and possibly burn the band.

Mike Stewart



I have a rear engine dragster with a small block and a powerglide. After each run the coupler moves out of the rearend towards the transmission. I have an ATI spherical
bearing end plate on the shorty, so I just loosen the set screws and slide it back into place.

Have you ever heard of this occurring? If so, could you tell me how to stop it.

Bill O'Connell


The coupler may just be showing you where it wants to be. When the car goes down the track, it may be flexing a little in the chassis or in the midplate. The coupler needs clearance of 1/8 to 1/4 inch. It may be showing you what it needs.

If that is not the case, you may want to call ATI to see if they can shed any light on this problem.

Mike Stewart

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Tranny Tech — 6/11/03


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