How would a racer know if
and when a lower trans gearset would benefit
his combo, minus a glide, 2850lbs 1.76, 4.88rear,
1/8 mile only?
Mark Reed
Cullman, AL
are many factors that would go into a combination to contribute
to the possible need for more gear. Most importantly is
working engine RPM, the area we are talking about is that
area between peak torque and peak horsepower, this is where
the engine wants to run. We usually want to launch around
peak torque as far as stall speed goes, shift at peak horse
power. If the car struggles on acceleration it may need
more gear either trans or differential. But something to
remember is that the transmission and converter only transmits
the horsepower that is put to them they can't make power.
So optimum gear ratios vary as much as engine and car combinations.
If we had more information about your particular
combination we could give you some better information on
what you need. Give me a call at the shop with information
on your combination.
Mike’s Transmission
Lancaster CA
(661) 723-0081
You can also email Mike Stewart
at trannytech@dragracingonline.com

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