I'm trying to repair a thm350 with unknown brand transbrake. After I got it back together neither the brake or reverse will work. I did not remove the brake solenoid so the adjustment should be ok and I tested the sol to make sure it works.
How can I identify the brand so I can find the correct installation instructions? It looks like a Hipster because of the steel plug in the large 2 1/4 inch hole and set screw in the gov passage at the rear of case. It has the 17 springs/hole in piston/center seal removed from direct clutch. The pump has all 5 sealing rings but I might not of noticed if one was not there like the TCI version.
Also I found one checkball when cleaning the case but it was down in a bolt hole. There was a missing bushing in the end of the output shaft that I replaced. I can aircheck the pump and direct drum assembly by blowing into one hole and covering the other and the clutch will set. I hear leakage but with a hole in the piston that's normal.
Any help or suggestions would be welcome. I built transmissions for 20 years in a dealership and several race cars are running my units.
Marty Holford
Kirkwood, Illinois
It sounds like you might have an Automatic Trans Design or Hipster 350 brake. If so, the check ball you found should go in the valve body. Depending on the valve bodies vintage, Your phantom ball should go in a trough that is machined in the valve body. It is not your normal deal where the ball seals on the separator plate. It seals instead on a hold in the valve body casting. I hope this helps your trans brake woes.
Thank you for your questions,
Mike’s Transmission
Lancaster CA
(661) 723-0081
You can also email Mike Stewart at trannytech@dragracingonline.com
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