By Suzy Kelly
birthday wishes to Jimmy Prock's father, Tom,
who turned sixty during the World Finals. Tom's
family threw him a surprise birthday party at
the Sheraton Hotel that was attended by many
friends and fellow racers including Dick LaHaie,
Don Prudhomme, Tom McEwen, Tommy Ivo and John
Force. Of course Force stole the show with his
antics and one-liners, so good in fact that
Jimmy Prock literally fell out of his chair
laughing when John held up his bandaged hands
and stated, "I haven't been able to ----- for
five days." You can let your imagination fill
in the blanks . . . Lynn Prudhomme was at the
track on Sunday working as hard as ever and
looking terrific. Happy Birthday wishes also
go out to Lynn's daughter, Donna . . . Wally
Parks has completely recovered from a nasty
fall he suffered while he and wife Barbara were
visiting the California coastline. After a trip
to the emergency room Wally was happy to report
that the only permanent damage was to his dignity
. . . Dave McClelland would like to thank the
person who returned Louise's lost wallet at
the World Finals and is happy to report that
Louise's eye operation went so well that she's
reading the daily newspaper. With renewed eyesight
and the NHRA Championships finalized, Louise
is at work on this year's World Championship
Quilt which will be auctioned off at the annual
D.R.A.W. benefit next year in Chicago . . .
For the first time in 19 years Shirley Muldowney
publicly thanked D.R.A.W. at the NHRA awards
ceremony where she was honored for her lifetime
drag racing achievements. D.R.A.W. was founded
to help with medical bills after Shirley's 1984
fiery crash when she was seriously injured in
her race car.
radiant Cara Schumacher is shown with infant
son Michael Donald who weighed in at over eight
pounds on September 27th at the couple's Long
Grove, Illinois home, adding a new meaning to
"home delivery." Michael's birth coincides with
two-year-old son Tony Jr.'s birthday, making
it a literal "shoe in" for the popular dragster
pilot Tony Sr. to remember. While Cara and son
were recuperating in Illinois, hubby Tony was
attending the gala celebration held by the U.S.
Army during the NHRA World Finals when they
took over the main dinning room at the "Mining
Company" Restaurant, a popular Southern California
eatery. The Army staff was joined by the entire
Schumacher Racing Team where everyone had a
great time, including Angelle and Nicky Savoie,
two of the team's newest members.
Judy Lilly attended this year's CHRR looking
younger than ever. Judy is living in the Denver,
Colorado, area where she barrel-races and breeds
Quarter Horses . . . Prayers and good wishes
go out to Brian Bolio, son of SEMA Man of the
Year Steve Bolio and lovely wife Sally, who
recently was sent to Afghanistan to serve his
country as a helicopter pilot . . . Happy 44th
Wedding Anniversary wishes to Rocky and Sharon
Childs, who celebrated the festive occasion
by visiting relatives in Canada after the Bakersfield
reunion . . . Congratulations also go out to
Jerry Gross and the Mrs. on their 28th wedding
anniversary . . . Diamond Jim Annin felt so
good that he attended the Bakersfield reunion
-- big turn around from a few months ago when
Jim was seriously ill and not expected to make
it to the end of the year. Jim said the doctors
still aren't sure what caused his liver to go
haywire but he's grateful for the good health.
Ashley Force is joined
by famous funny car pilot/owner John Force
at the NHRA World Finals Reception held
at the prestigious Kodak Theater in North
Hollywood. The "invitation only" celebration
takes place following the ESPN televised
awards presentation and you're more likely
to find everyone a little more relaxed after
sitting through the somewhat long-winded
acceptance speeches. |
