2003 DRO Survey
It's been a while since we ran our first survey.
As Drag Racing Online hits over 100,000 readers per month,
we need to find out who all of you are and how we can serve
you better. The survey shouldn't take more than 10 minutes
to complete. And here's the best news -- you can win Major
Awards just by taking part. That's right, we're not above
bribing. . .er, rewarding. . .you for your time and information.
The survey will be online through January
3, 2004. A random drawing from the submitted surveys will
be conducted on January 9, 2004 and prize winners will be
notified on that date.
First prize:
A 20x30 poster of Jeff Burk's award winning photo of Doug
Herbert's explosion at the 1999 NHRA World Finals, signed
by Burk, and a limited edition DragRacingOnline.com cap
Second prize:
A signed copy of Chris Martin's "Top Fuel Handbook"
and a limited edition DragRacingOnline.com cap
Third prize:
A signed copy of Cole Coonce's "Infiniti Over Zero"
and a limited edition DragRacingOnline.com cap
Fourth prize:
(6 to be awarded): A limited edition DragRacingOnline.com
cap signed by Jeff Burk
And, of course, EVERYONE who enters will win
a free one-year subscription to Drag Racing Online!
So, win a prize and help us make DRO even better. Put on
your thinking caps and see what the SURVEY SAYS . . .