Gary Densham
By Darr Hawthorne
Photo by Jeff Burk
Gary Densham hasn't had
the best season this year. In fact, there are
rumblings that he won't be with Team Force next
season. DRO's West Coast Editor, Darr Hawthorne,
sat down with him to get his thoughts on the
past, present and future.
DRO: How long
have you been with John?
GD: This is our third year. We actually started three races into the first
DRO: But you go back to Australia with him and he credits you with his
survival at one point.
GD: Oh yeah. Maybe so, John and I have been buddies maybe since the
Australia trip back in '74-'75 and weíve always been friends. Weíve always been
pals and we both love the same sport. A lot of people donít get it. John
gets it. You take a look around here at the end of the night and all the
other guys have gone back to their million dollar motor coaches, their Embassy
Suites or their Hiltons, and you see two guys sitting out here talking to fans,
and thatís John. We understand what this is all about. This is where we want to
be and this is what we love.
DRO: You had a tough time here at Sonoma this weekend. Youíve had a tough
time in these last four races and last night you mentioned something about the
Pluger curse.
GD: Oh thatís just a standard joke. Steve Pluger and John and I have
been together a long time. Steve and I were partners when they had super
charged cars and Pluger helped John survive for a few years when he had
nothing. Steve is one of the smartest, most crafty guys that we all know.
He's a great guy that built a great racecar. Itís one of those types of deals that
John started in the beginning of the year just because of a lot of history. The
one year that John didnít win any races, didnít do anything, he had a car that
wasnít built by Steve. He came back to the world finals after having a horrible
season, got back into his old Pluger car, went out and won. Since then he had
never driven anything but that. He started the beginning of this year off with
a McKinney car, which is a good car, I mean weíre not putting down the car,
the carís a great car. He does a great job and you saw what kind of start John
had, so he started out talking about the Pluger Curse. It was just kind of funny
that I started out great driving the Pluger car and then we made a change three
races ago and you think the curse got me off track. Johnís now won two races
in a row and qualified number one here. We went from a situation being solidly
in 3rd place and setting track records at the other places we went to, to a couple
of final round appearances, to winning a couple of big checks, to leaving St. Louis
with the top speed new track record. Then you go to the next three races and donít
qualify higher than tenth, move from third to sixth in the points, and have him run in
fourth, have him run 300 - and it doesnít have anything to do with the car, but in the
back of your mind youíre thinking, "Does it really?" "Is there really a curse out
there, is there something we donít know about?" So, itís just a standard joke
around here. Weíre working out some things and obviously there might be
something slightly different with the cars, but Jimmy and the guys figure it
DRO: I heard from a couple of people that you might not be in a Ford, in a
Mustang, at the beginning of next year.
GD: Well, thereís a lot of things, nothing can
really be confirmed at this point. I think if
it was up to John, John and I would probably
race these cars until they had to push us out
in wheelchairs to go do it. I said at the very
beginning, John understands it. I understand
it and itís a passion we have and itís who we
are. Weíve been highly successful; obviously
made a ton of money. He could quit racing any
time, send all his kids to Harvard Law School,
live on the Riviera in a big hacienda, and float
around in a 100 foot boat, but when itís all
said and done, he wants to be in the same place
I do. He wants to be out here on the drag strip
so I think if that decision was strictly his,
thatís the way it would go. Obviously heís creating
himself a great empire here but heís got a lot
of people that he has to answer to. Will there
be some changes for next year? Nothingís set
in stone yet. Does Gary Densham still want to
be out here racing? Youíre darn right he does,
and somehow or another I will be.
