here's a (I think) Dr. Scholl's TV commercial
or some such thing where these two lame guys
start hip-slanging on an obscure topic.
"Are you gellin'," says one
yuppie to his George Bush squared comrade. "Like
a felon'" says the equally shallow pocket lint
And the two dorks, it turns
out, are talking about gel-supported foot supports
or something like that.
The point of this belly flop into a pool of shaving cream is that I like
the word "gel". When two things mate well and interlock, "gel" is a good
word. Like ... "Me and Suzie Q really gelled last night" meaning we had an
interesting conversation, ho, ho, ho. And "felon," while it doesn't fit the foot of the two twits in the commercial, it did to a safe and reasonably sane degree,
fit what I and two dozen of my favorite race people did over the first weekend
of the now 12th annual California Hot Rod Reunion.
The California Hot Rod Reunion is my favorite off-ramp from the NHRA tour,
leaving aside the Cordova World Series. It is
not a drag race, per se, (they do run some of
the more popular blown nostalgia categories),
but much more a social event, and it's the best
thing NHRA does all year. To hell with the World
Finals banquet, that's nothing more than someone
peeling the Levis off the kids and swapping
them for starched collars and ties. The only
guy who works that unreal atmosphere with any
real ability is Force. The rest of the NHRA
tuxedoed crowd looks like the kids jammed into
the frame of an unwanted family picture.
Anyway, it's something I look forward to doing
all year. For the past half-dozen years, my
good bud Terry Lee Minks always journeys up
to the farm here in Valley Village from Bellflower,
CA, and always in some different conveyance.
This year, it was a mint indigo blue '57 Chevy
sedan delivery. Last year, it was a slick '50
Chevy sedan delivery, before then a flamed '40
Ford coupe, before that a '36 Diamond Reo cement
mixer and so on. His entrances in the driveway
are never dull, nor is what transpires the rest
of the weekend.
As per usual, we headed to Famoso Dragstrip
and the Vipers Club compound fronting turnoff
road 1 at the track. For I don't know how long,
this collection of Southern and Northern California
inebriates gathered there for a party and only
incidentally the festivities. Every October,
the gang seals off a large area in front of
the fence, and parks a variety of hot rods,
mobile homes, golf karts and anything else that'll
slow live ammo around an area that is half kitchen,
half launch area lounge and bar.
These guys are not hard to find. Bellflower-ites
Phil and Jim, and "Mercury Fastback Francis,"
have a club logo, and an unmistakable AA/Modified
Fuel Coupe (made by Francis) ice chest. Right
ice chest. Imagine Frank Pedregon's "Taco Taster"
Fiat modified fuel coupe (made of wood) filled
with enough beer to float the U.S.S. New Jersey
to Subic Bay and back. When Terry and I pull
in with all of the usual road warp, the place
really does have an oasis appeal.
