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Why isn't there more on the Schumacher firing of Scotty Cannon's guys, and what are the chances of Oakley being with him next year? Was he going to fire Johnson if Jim Head won? Too bad Head fell asleep or he may have. You've got to give Johnson credit, in just a few weeks he got those 2 cars flying,
Jim Kinney
Hey, I like the 6.90 Super Comp concept! Only problem is, very few of the current crop can do it. And probably very few cars are legal. But it would get me back into NHRA to go with my IHRA Top Dragster.
Actually, I like the ESPN coverage. Lots of time to get a beverage (between
the commercials and the BS stuff of watching
the crew huff and puff their way through a 50
engine rebuild or watching the tour of Prudhomme's
shop) and yet get to see all the really good
super slow motion coverage. Believe it or not,
I as a racer can actually use some of the things
I see. And it does verify some of my own experiences
when they run on a track I know.
Give Mike Dunn credit, he does an exceptional job (I think) explaining fuel cars. He admits he is not a gasoline burner guru and does a minimal of the hype stuff (I am sure ESPN exerts a lot of pressure trying to get him to hype more). To me, he is much better on the tube than he was signing autographs as a racer (not meant as a cut down; just that standing there getting his picture taken and signing autographs when he wishes he could be helping on the car was pretty obvious).
Keep up the comments. Like them or hate them, I am glad there is someone out there wanting to improve the product from a racer's perspective, not a corporate perspective.
William D. (Dee) Kruse
TD/ET 4030
"Oh well, if NHRA can call Joliet, IL 'Chicago' and Ennis, TX 'Dallas,' the
Agent should lighten up on IHRA."
I think the best one to my knowledge is Atlanta Dragway - Commerce, GA...ONLY 75 miles from downtown Atlanta, then again right down the road in Braselton is Road ATLANTA!!! I lived outside of Atlanta back in the 90's and if something is within 100 miles of 5 points in downtown Atlanta, then IT IS CONSIDERED Atlanta!
At least Joliet is right there, next to Chi-town.
The first time I went to Dallas in '87, I let a friend make the room reservations. Said it was a Red Roof right off the Interstate. Yeah, it was on the Interstate IN DALLAS!!!!! 53 f'ing miles from the track. Put 500 miles on the rental car those 4 days. I wanted to kill him! I love G'ville and Indy. The tracks are right there in civilization where they don't have to pipe the sunshine in! And of course, Sonny's BBQ is REAL close to G'ville!
You guys (or should I say, Ya'll) keep up the good work! I am addicted to the site. I click on it at least three times a day.
Don Richerson
Somerset, Kentucky
