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I had the pleasure of meeting Darr at the November IDRC sport compact race in Palmdale, CA, and we talked about his "Short Attention Span Theatre" article on DRO.

Our backgrounds couldn't be any more different. He's a V-8 guy, 6-&-under is all that I care about; he's at least attempting to understand my side, but I wouldn't go to an NHRA V-8 race if the tickets were free.

Why don't I fit in at DRO? [RANT ON] For one thing, I can't stand V-8's running starting line electronics. If you can't work the tree without help, get the hell off of the starting line. Let somebody who knows how to drive school your sorry ass. Thank goodness you don't see that garbage in sport compact drag racing. [RANT OFF]

There, I feel better already. Now on a calmer note, what is with this fear of "new" technology in the NHRA? For instance, the last time I looked(~2000), the big dogs in the NHRA couldn't run overhead camshafts. Is it a safety issue of some sort? Heck, Olds had
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'em back in 1997, so it's on a domestic platform. Somebody set me straight here; then we'll talk about how so many factory cars run turbos, but they are woefully under-represented in the NHRA.

"New" tech of course brings up the whole front wheel drive issue. Why does the NHRA think that everyone who has a fwd car is a punk who doesn't care about serious drag racing? Look at the NHRA TV sport compact shows, it's all about radio talk show hosts smack-talking drivers against each other. Total media garbage that denigrates the entire sport of drag racing. Hey Darr, guess what, that is the market that's being courted, so that is who goes to see sport compact drag races.

In 1983, there were 14,000+ people at the last Orange County Bug-In, when the stands were packed all day long to watch VW drag racing. With that kind of success in import drag racing, where did it all go wrong? Obviously you can lay part of the blame on the NHRA side of the fence. But it's not just them. When Dad started NOPI, they ran 10-page ads in HotVW's magazine, but then the sons took over.

Since I am a drag racing videographer, I asked NOPI for press credentials to cover their event. No go without editorial control and a percent of the profits. Hey DRO, when was the last time you gave up editorial control while giving an event free publicity?

The NHRA won't let anyone videotape from the starting line except the TV networks. Remember when Diamond P would sell you a year-end videotape recap of all the NHRA V-8 racing? Not anymore. And just like you wanted to see that racing action, there are plenty of sport compact drag racers who are dead serious about seeing their racing as well. Trust me on that, I've been shooting hard-core drag racing for over 10 years.

I don't believe for a minute that the people who go to the NOPI foam pit are the future of this sport. Do you?



Excellent idea!

Mark Breznay


Great idea! Think it's got a chance?

Ron Evans


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