DRO's Large Editor received this Easter card from top announcer and television personality, Bret Kepner. Whether or not it was meant for publication, Burk wanted to share it with our readers. (Note to Bret: next month it will be Burk's turn in the barrel, we promise.) Write a caption and send it to backdoor@racingnetsource.com.



Well, what happened? We threw down the gauntlet, but few of you picked it up. We're not sure exactly what that means. We tried to pit last month's photo of IHRA pres Bill Bader against an earlier photo of NHRA head honcho Tom Compton. If it was a popularity contest, Compton's photo won hands down, garnering almost 10 times as many caption entries.


The winner, from among slim pickin's, is Don who submitted,

"Tell Doug Herbert us hillbillies don't drink wine, we drink moonshine."


Got a good photo for the Back Door?

Snail mail your slide or photo to: At the Back Door, Racing Net Source, 114 E. Elm St. #8, O'Fallon, MO 63366. [Photo won't be returned unless you include a self-addressed stamped envelope]. E-mail your digitized photo (~ 4"x6" at 300 dpi) in JPEG format to backdoor@racingnetsource.com.

Limit one photo per person per month, please.


Previous "At the Back Door"
At the Back Door — 4/7/03

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