
DRO Editor, Jeff Burk, caught this moment between legendary promoter
Bob Bartel (left) and announcer Bret Kepner at Cordova's 50th Annual
World Series of Drag Racing. Send us a caption or a bit of dialog to



First place was awarded to Don Rosenberry's submission:

"Meanwhile, back at his secret laboratory near the swamp, our hero worked feverishly on a formula that was sure to return him to his normal height."

Honorable Mentions

"Hmmmm, a little more orange juice and a touch of Vermouth, and this stuff should be real smooooth." -- Richard Burbick

"Dorf does drag racing." -- Keith Porter

"Pat! I caught one of them damn aliens! Come look, quick!" -- Wes Tarkington

"Let's see, is it 90 percent or 90 proof, 90 proof or 90 percent. Please God, I get so confused, am I racing or running moonshine?" -- Geno Terenzio


Got a good photo for the Back Door?

Snail mail your slide or photo to: At the Back Door, Racing Net Source, 114 E. Elm St. #8, O'Fallon, MO 63366. [Photo won't be returned unless you include a self-addressed stamped envelope]. E-mail your digitized photo (~ 4"x6" at 300 dpi) in JPEG format to backdoor@dragracingonline.com.

Limit one photo per person per month, please.


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At the Back Door — 8/8/03

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