

Just finished reading Ted Dohse's letter about the NHRA situation. And am in full agreement.  His five (5) recommendations are worthy of consideration by NHRA and IHRA.

Please forward his letter to the appropriate individuals, if you can.  You see, his viewpoint, and mine, are from the informed spectator.  We're not into "crash and burn", just good racing amongst competitive vehicles that reflect the name of the class.

His comment about SC and SG is very insightful. Try explaining those classes to a novice.  Too  complicated and boring.  Run 'em flat out at a percentage of the throttle and that would definitely improve the show for those folks and the spectators. And he's right about
the bikes.  They're neat and cool and all that, but they are bikes and need to race elsewhere. Ted's comment about TF and FC makes sense, too.  Just limit the blower if you want to slow them down.  Kinda like a restrictor plate.

Well, enuf for now.  Our sport will survive, as they all do.  We just don't know what it will look like in 10 years.

Thanks for your magazine.  I check in at least once a day, usually 3 or 4 times.

Dean Cassano
Lakeland, FL


42 million in ticket sales and 4 million from memberships and such. Where is the other 30-40 million coming from?

Dallas  G. will make part more than the T/F or F/C champion in  2004 in PAYMENTS  from another corp. as a part time helper. What a scam.

If they are making this much money over the years....how much money to they have set back for hard times?

Roger Winton


I just wanted to say Thank You for an Outstanding Job on this story. Anybody could have gotten the information at any time, but you guys were the only ones to dig the information up and present it in a concise and easy to understand story. I gave Jeff Burk hell recently on a story that I thought was shabby and lackluster. But I also believe in giving credit where credit is due, and you guys did a great job on this.

Mark King

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