Still More Special Delivery
The letters
about NHRA's television coverage on ESPN keep
coming, so here is the second batch. Add your
comments at response@dragracingonline.com
Darr, All I can say
about your last column is: Hurray!! Clap, Clap,
Clap... You get the picture. Great job!! I only
get to attend 4-7 events per year and, Ho Hum,
Yawn, the rest are on the tube. I go back a
few years and have been a avid fan for over
38 of them. Hopefully things will change. Maybe
we could start a grass roots movement to change
the Boob Tube coverage... Let the readers know
where to send suggestions, etc.
Thanks for your time...
Michael Kohn
Milwaukee, WI
TV+ Talking Heads+ Lost
ball in high weeds
Damn straight.
Frank Oglesby
Darr, Great article.
My fellow racers and I have been saying
the same things for a long time. You hit all
the nails right on their heads. It's gotten
so that we don't care if we watch it or not.
And the sportsman shows are just as bad, focusing
on all alcohol. They can't even take a few seconds
to scan the other sportsman finalists on the
starting line to showcase closer the diversity
of the cars/drivers and their sponsors, etc.
I'm sure this would have a greater effect on getting someone new, identifying with cars they can or may have, going to a race track to explore for themselves drag racing. As for the announcers, for whatever reason I see this stuff in big business all the time. The idiot at the helm is stupid and tries to baffle them with bull, but every time they need info, they go to the knowledgeable guys in the trenches whose knowledge make the idiot look good. Kind of a form of plagiarism.
Bill Stephens is so cold it's a wonder his lips don't freeze together. He/They have taken NHRA2Day to a lower level as you point out.
Lastly, I can't believe that with all the technology out there they can't capture the noise at a level that will give us the ferocity of the cars and speed without the distortion.
Just some of my quick 2 cents.
Sam Murray
Darr, thanks for the
article. I wondered if anyone else was
bored with this format. I used to plan my Sunday
around NHRA Today with Steve Evans and Bob Frey.
It was fun and exciting. Now it is the same
old boring no inside info no clowning around
I'd rather be at church kind of show. And what
about some of these tv air times? The only one
awake at my house is the cat.
Thanks for your honesty and no nonsense column.
Mark C.
