Lexington, SC's Richard
Lee experienced this big wheelstand in the first
round of Q8 Outlaw when his wheelie bar broke
right off the start. Lee still won the round,
though, and made it all the way to the semi
untsville Dragway hosted its 12th annual 'Bama
Nationals Apr. 17-18, with an estimated crowd
of more than 5,000 showing up over the two days
to enjoy heads-up Alcohol Funny Cars, Outlaw
Pro Mods, and the fledgling Quick 8 Outlaw Series,
as well as Pro and Footbrake bracket classes.
Also on tap were exhibition passes by Danny
O'Day in his SuperWinch '34 Ford wheelstander
and Pepi's jet Freightliner, with Saturday's
action capped off by a trackside rock concert.
Not bad for a $20 one-day ticket.
Sometimes the right idea just has to wait for the right time to be
implemented. That certainly seems to be the case for the South Carolina-
based Quick 8 Outlaws Series for automatics-equipped doorslammers, as it
already has 40 members from eight states in its first year, according to
director of operations Tommy Granger. "We created the series to give
these guys somewhere to race, create a points fund, and keep the costs
down," Granger said. In order to discourage all-out Pro Mod cars from
entering, the series stipulates Powerglide transmissions only (with
Jason Green's Bruno 3-speed grandfathered in for this season), so most
entries are ex- or current Top Sportsman cars.
"Right now we're just trying to build our credibility and after just three
races, we're already hearing back from tracks
that said they weren't interested at the beginning
of the year," Granger added. "I have to give
a lot of the credit for that to George Howard
(owner of Huntsville Dragway), because he believed
in us from the start. Because of his reputation
in the sport, he's been instrumental in getting
other tracks to sign on with us."

Jason Green came
up just a little short with his '63 Corvette
in both qualifying and eliminations. Green
said he burned a plug in the semi finals
and hurt the engine again in the Q8 Outlaw
final round against Nick Cline. "We probably
just finished it off that time," he said.
Despite the name, Granger said the series aims
to fill a 16-car field at each of its 11 scheduled
races this season. Seventeen teams made the
trek to the north-Alabama eighth-mile strip,
with Nick Cline nipping Jason Green for top
qualifying honors for the second straight race.
Lined up side-by-side for their third and final
qualifying attempt on Saturday night, Cline
drove his nitrous-boosted '38 Chevy Coupe through
the lights in 4.305 seconds at 167.13 mph, eclipsing
the 4.332 that Green posted in the previous
