Frantic Fifty-Nine
Words and photos by Jeff Burk
It's not that often that a car builder will go out on his
own and make a unique race car body, but when one does there
is one brand of car that seems to be everyone's favorite --
Chevy's venerable Corvette. In recent years America's most
famous two-seater has been the favorite and the fastest of
all Pro Modified body styles. It started with Jim Oddy and
Fred Hahn and their record setting "Black Mariah"
supercharged, primered 'Vette.
Interestingly, Oddy had a couple of other 'Vette body styles
that were very popular in the Pro Modified class. For instance,
the '53 that Hahn drove to what is still considered to be
the fastest legal pass in the class' history with a 234+ blast
at Rockingham Dragway more than five years ago. Hahn also
shoed Oddy's Summit-backed, Murray Anderson-built C-5 Corvette
to the quickest legal lap so far with a 6.07 blast at an NHRA
event at Houston just a year ago.
Nitrous hero Rickie Smith had Jerry Haas build a '63 split-window
Corvette and soon it became one of the most popular body styles
of all. They are aerodynamic bodies that go fast. Mitch Stott
drove his Tommy Mauney-built '63 split-window to the quickest
Pro Mod lap ever with a 5.98 clocking two years ago at historic
Darlington Dragway.
A case could easily be made that the Corvette body style
has been and continues to be the most popular and even most
dominant body in Pro Modified racing.
Now car/chassis/body manufacturer Larry Jeffers, whose shop
is just a short drive west of St. Louis in House Springs,
MO, has delivered the drag racing community the next iteration
of the 'Vette body style. He designed and built a '59 Corvette
Pro Mod for Missouri outlaw racer Ron Muenks. He had a '63
powered by an Alan Johnson wedge with a screw compressor and
backed by a Lenco-glide that ran as quick as 6.09 in the quarter,
but Muenks decided that it was time for a new car and he wanted
something unique.
We think he got it when he took delivery of his brand new,
first of its kind '59 Corvette Pro Mod that DRO is showing
you here.
