Your article on "selling
the sizzle" was dead on. I am so sick and tired of NHRA
and their "enhancements." Yes, they are turning
drag racing from a sport to an entertainment and I'm sick
of it. I once had a teacher tell me he'd rather have three
kids interested in his class than 100 who were not. Well,
guess what NHRA, you are slowly filling the stands with people
who don't care for cars, only entertainment. Once people want
some different entertainment, drag racing ceases. Let's see,
instead of paying gearheads (limited market, but loyal to
manufacturers) we'll get paying masses (who have no interest
in buying car parts but bigger market, more profit for NHRA)
then when sales drop off, get rid of the midway because nobody's
buying parts. That's called a self-fulfilling prophecy isn't
And if drag racing drops off, get rid of it. (Compton will
have bled millions from it and won't care, he's not into cars,
he's a suit, into making money for himself). People who only
want to be entertained will want more shirt tossers, more
accidents, maybe ramps at the end of the strip to give em
a good thrill. Sure, it will destroy lots of beautiful cars,
but hey, they're not car people anyway are they? Just paying
Maybe a dragster demo derby? I think if NHRA thought they
would pack the stands, they'd be all for it. (They'd just
make it a sportsman even, and charge sportsman to smash their
own equipment, with minimal if anything for payouts)! Am I
I'll stay with IHRA until Compton and Light and the rest
of the &^%$s are gone!
As a side note, wouldn't it be cool if NHRA actually recognized
that the hp war is on, and the biggest selling feature of
most new cars (any brand, any vehicle) is the increase in
hp from the previous year? I don't know, maybe promote a class
that could be a "starting point" or a way to race
your new car? How about a class that would sell cars for the
manufacturers? Maybe call it....oh I don't know....STOCK?????
Naw, the people in a class like that wouldn't have big enough
pockets to be a benefit to NHRA or Compton's bank account.
STK/SS for ever!!
Jim Miller
I couldn't agree more. I was at Seattle race and had problems
with MSD box. We went to MSD trailer, they checked out box
it was bad, so the guy reaches under the counter and had us
another box. Asked how much; he says no charge. Boy we thought
that was great! Have run only MSD products since and nothing
What's going to happens to small guys in sport? About NHRA
how does that old song go (take my advice they're only trying
to screw you).
Silvestre Cervantes
I see once again you have written another great article about
the NHRA.
I couldn't agree more with what you are saying. I've been
a member of the NHRA for nearly 20 years and the last couple
of years I've pondering whether or not to renew my membership.
I could go to two national events at Route 66 raceway every
year, (1 hour from my home) but I have not done so because
of the kind of people that are being attracted to these races.
Basically what has happened to all us gearheads in the stands?
I could go on and on about Rt.66 but the one thing that I
dislike these days is to pay $10 to park there. The first
couple of years that we went to a national event we didn't
pay anything to park. The third year that we went is when
they started to charge to park. I haven't been back since.
The tickets are expensive enough and then they want to hit
you up to park. I guess the NHRA just wants a whole different
class of people at their events. I guess that leaves us working
class people out. Maybe NHRA wants to have spectators like
Formula 1 sipping champagne and eating caviar instead of spectators
drinking beer and eating hot dogs.
I could rant forever, but I'll quit for now.
Al Ullo
