film 2Fast 2Real for Hollywood claims to be a
documentary of illegal street racing, but fails to explain
how it can be a documentary when its disclaimer clearly
states that all stunts are performed by professional drivers
on closed courses. So either the movie is mislabeled,
or the disclaimer is bull.
This is not to say it's not a good film. I enjoyed it
quite a bit. Aside from the mislabeling as a documentary,
I only had two complaints. One, the people interviewed
were mostly not identified (which means that I'll be referring
to "this guy" or "that other guy"
a lot in this review).
Two, Liextreme, Inc. just seemed to grab random good-looking
women off the street to pose with the cars. I understand
that eye candy is a big selling point for this sort of
DVD, but couldn't you have found women who were actually
involved in the sport? You know, like—GASP—women
Now onto the good. And there's a lot of good. I can't
list all of the amusing bits in this movie, but I'll give
you the highlights.
A driver opens his door all the way while his car is
moving at about 60 mph, and then he clutches the door,
hanging completely outside the car letting his feet drag
on the ground. The subtitle of this scene is, "Cruise
Control Works."
A guy talks about his car, "the fastest Mini Cooper
in the world." You get to see it do things you'd
never think a car like it could do. I drive a similar
car, a PT Cruiser, and now I'm starting to wonder what
I could do if I turbocharged the engine.
My favorite bit, though, had to be a piece that I'll
call "Watch Where You Park." You see a large
man named "Big TT" (pronounced Titty) sleeping
in a chair. Cut to another guy, complaining about how
TT always parks in his space and takes his chair.
Cut to TT's car in the parking lot, in a space surrounded
by empty spaces. They don't say what kind of car it is,
but it bears more than a passing resemblance to my first
car, a '86 Oldmobile Delta 88 Royale.
back to the other guy, who says that he's going to "take
care" of TT's car. Next scene is a monster truck
crushing TT's car, repeatedly. Then a guy in a Jeep runs
into TT's car, several times.
Then, a subtitle says, "The truck needed a second
car to crush, so we brought one from the junkyard."
They park the second car next to TT's car, then run over
both of them again, several times.
I have no idea what this has to do with street
racing, but it was so damn funny I didn't care.
One of the other things I really liked is that the drivers
were obviously real people, chosen for their driving skills
and not for their looks. It's one of the things that kept
this movie from being a knockoff of 2Fast 2Furious.
The filmmakers also got some fabulous quotes from the
"A quarter-mile in a couple seconds? It's the
best thing in the world."
"I don't give a shit about losing, I just want
to have fun. But getting beat by a foreign car?"
I love the fact that this stuff could have easily come
from the mouths of drag racers as well.
2Fast 2Real for Hollywood is a fun-- and funny--
film with lots of cool cars doing cool stuff. It's well
worth watching, whether you're an avid motorsports enthusiast
or a newbie like me.