Like you, I was a fan of Hunter S. Thompson. I was a late
bloomer in my discovery of his wildly provocative writing,
only finding him after seeing Bill Murray's portrayal in 'Where
the Buffalo Roam.'
Being a fan of both Thompson's and drag racing, I truly appreciated
reading your thoughts on how Thompson may have viewed the
progression of drag racing through the years. I agree with
your idea that times have changed to the point where writers
of Thompson's vein and the sport of drag racing we grew up
with are not relevant in today's politically correct world.
Political correctness is a bane to the world and particularly
the American culture. Drag racing and its community is just
a small microcosm of what is happening throughout the country.
I've been accused of not being politically correct enough
more often than not and I'm proud of that fact... no matter
the consequences to myself. If one is not willing to stand
up and speak their mind then they have no excuse but to accept
what happens to them. Everyone may not agree with (Burk's)
and DRO's frequent condemnation of NHRA and its policy. But
with the team owners' and drivers' inability to speak their
minds, only those free from the grip of NHRA's PC world can
freely express any disagreement.
God save us from ourselves and have pity on Hunter S. Thompson's
soul. Here's to speaking our minds and making our existence
Your deranged, yet loyal, sportsman & bracket class racing
Greg Stanley
Jeff, I just wanted to drop you a note regarding your latest
editorial. While I don't always agree with some of your 'Blasts'
(wouldn't that be a boring world) I believe you are 'right
on' with this one.
Being someone who started racing in the '60s, I find the
PC attitudes displayed by the majority of pro racers today
mind numbing.
Give me an unencumbered, Hoffman, Foyt, Swindell, Tracy even
a Jimmy Spencer any day. A word to the powers that be... DON'T
NEUTER MY HEROES (including Shirley, Melanie and Danika)!
Thanks for the thoughts.
Cam McCallum
'Lost in the 60's' Racing
Thanks for the terrific insights regarding HST's death and
putting it into the context of Drag Racing. He indeed would
have loved exposing the hypocrisy and two-faced politically
correct bullshit that passes for today's version of a T/F
I guess dangerous men in dangerous machines don't sell enough
cheap men's cologne.
Change is indeed inevitable but it doesn't ease the fear
and loathing!
Thanks again for another excellent column.
Terry Spencer
Covina, CA
Speaking of "gonzo" journalism, how 'bout a treatise
penned by Coonce, Wallace, Martin, Flyin Phil, and JB hisself.
A collective comprised of.......best of, most funny, outrageous,
what if's, and did you knows????? Trivia combined with humour,
real life, salacious little personal tidbits and whatever
obscure anecdotes come to mind.
Keep up the great work!!!
Alex "G-Man" Graovac
Hamilton, Ontario
