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The Rat Fink Goes Drag Racing

By Mike Bumbeck

Drag racers would rather mash the loud pedal and hang on for the ride than hang out in a lawn chair and talk about paint jobs or NOS windshield wiper knobs any day. Car show folks would rather hang out on a quiet green lawn and hob knob about NOS glove box grommets than get covered in nitro fumes and tire marbles on any other day. Every now and again these two seemingly disparate worlds of automotive enthusiasts manage to cross paths. The results can be at worst disastrous, and at the very best a wicked good time.

The 6th Annual Rat Fink Party and Kustom Kulture Extravaganza at LACR in the high desert of Los Angeles County fell into the latter category. Where else could you go out and get your NHRA Alcohol Dragster license, take in some Rockabilly bands, mull over metalflake customs or trick trikes, and get a chance to own on the very same bright green sportcoat that the departed Ed "Big Daddy" Roth himself wore to numerous car shows back in the day, all in the same day?

Show MC Moldy Marvin himself was the auctioneer for this genuine Ed Roth jacket.

The Rat Fink is of course an unlikely hero. Bright green, with giant teeth, often drooling, and sporting a pot belly complete with flies buzzing around, the hot rod icon was made famous by Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, and continues to symbolize what it means to be free to build crazy cars and kustoms, wacky bikes, lead sleds, trikes and the other wheeled contraptions. As unlikely a hero as a rat may be, the mighty Rat Fink is a hero to those who know. The Rat Fink Party and Kustom Kulture Extravaganza was born of collaboration between legendary kustom car icon Ed "Big Daddy" Roth and one Moldy Marvin. In 1999 Moldy and Ed had started up a web site surrounding the legend of the Rat Fink. Moldy was also running a small art gallery in North Hollywood California called Kulture Shoq. Moldy's original plan was to have a small get together in his 3000 sq ft gallery location with Ed as a special guest.

Since then the party has grown bigger through the years, and this year the whole show was hauled out to LACR in the lovely Palm Desert area of Los Angeles County Although the worlds of drag racing and hot rodding may have drifted apart since the early days of dry lake beds and flatheads eights and fours, it seemed only fitting to have the party on the same day as a test and tune at LACR.

Intentionally, or due purely to chance, the result of the two events being held in the same place ended up being pure good times. The odd combination of old school rides and new school drag racers worked well in the hot desert sun. Seeing lead sleds go up against high-strung Hondas made the racing action interesting if not a little uneven. Even though it was officially test and tune, the drivers obviously thought different, and put the screws to their machines regardless if they came from Detroit or Suzuka.

There was more than enough going on off the track to keep eyes, ears and wallets busy. All manner of cool stuff was available for sale out on the lanes. Everything from stylish hats to turnkey old school choppers was available for the right price. Music played all afternoon so folks could take a break from the grandstands and turn their hot shoe into their good foot. Rods and racecars in various states of finish and polish were on display both stationary and motoring down the 1320.

All told the 6th Annual Rat Fink Party and Kustom Kulture Extravaganza was the kind of drag race that a car show should be, and a car show drag racers could dig, baby.


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