I don’t work for a racetrack and I don’t own a racecar. I bring this to your attention right away so you are aware that I have no personal stake in what I’m about to say. What I am not is stupid. I can read the room as well as anyone and I do my research. When it comes to the IHRA World Nationals I believe I can equivocally say that it ain’t gonna happen the way it was planned.
Let’s look at the facts about the new track in Mansfield (Ohio). There is a question as to the financial stability of the owner; there have been no contracts let for the construction; there is no one in line to do the site work; there are no permits pulled; no lights or sound ordered; no grandstands bought; no construction superintendent in place; no track management hired; no 2007 schedule; no promotion being done; no advance tickets being sold; and the EPA and the Corps of Engineers have a problem with the site and have notified the track not to move any dirt without their approval. Did I forget to mention the 130 local residents that have had meetings concerning the track and are preparing an injunction against its operation? Oh wait, I did forget to mention that there’s about 90 acres the track is to be built on that hasn’t been paid for yet. That comes to about $600,000 due before one blade of grass is touched. In the midst of all of this the track owner left for Florida on a vacation. Now there’s stability.
As for the race I believe the writing is on the wall as to where it’s going to go. If I had my guess I would suspect IHRA would give it to Milan Dragway bringing their national event total to two for the year, one in June and one in August. IHRA wants twelve events this year and if they don’t move it to Milan where would they take it at this late date and still make money?
What bothers me is the track and IHRA stonewalling and still insisting that the facility will still be built in time and will be a world-class facility by next June. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that the asphalt plants close in Ohio in about two weeks and it’s way too cold to put down any product. Can you just see them pouring a concrete starting line in February with the weather well below freezing? That beauty will be shoveled off to the side after the first race.
I think it’s only fair to all that will be participating in this upcoming national event to know if it will really happen. There’s a great deal of planning from motels, to catering to sponsor awareness that must be handled right now, not in March when the powers to be come out of their comas and decide it’s too late for this coming year. I must admit I’m a little disappointed in IHRA and its leadership for not stepping up and realizing what’s going on here. How about a little take charge direction here.
Kevin Ruic
Cleveland, Ohio
You need a spec tire from one company that will fit your tire needs and be willing to post a point fund.
Thank you.
Red Kosinski
Scottsville, NY
Jeff, I must disagree with you. It is, as you say, starter Rick Stewart's job to ensure that all the competitors have a safe track. He obviously saw a hazard and signaled the Army car toshut off. When that was ignored, he allowed the racer to take command of the situation. Stewart absolutely should have triggered the red light in Schumacher's lane. And that would have been that. I don't blame Schumacher or Johnson - of course they want to make the pass. I blame Rick Stewart, who allowed a racer to overrule him. That is something that should never occur. Schumacher shouldn't have been allowed to stage and run the car. If Stewart was unsuccessful in communicating his intent to Johnson, the red light would have done it for him.
Steve Graham
Raleigh, NC