Drag Racing Online: The Magazine

Volume VIII, Issue 11, Page

Our Mission
DRAG RACING Online with be published on the 8th of each month and will be updated throughout the month.
owes allegiance to no sanctioning body and will call 'em as we see 'em. We strive for truth,integrity, irreverence and the betterment of drag racing. We have no agenda other than providing the drag racing public with unbiased information and view points they can't get in any other drag racing publication.

Editor & Publisher, CEO
Jeff Burk
Managing Editor, COO
Kay Burk
Senior Editor
Ian Tocher
Editor at Large
Glen Grissom
Bret Kepner
Editor at Large, Emeritus
Chris Martin
Bracket Racing
Jok Nicholson

Cole Coonce
Cliff Gromer
Will Hanna

Darr Hawthorne
Bret Kepner
Jeff Leonard

Ro McGonegal
Jeff Utterback
Dave Wallace
Dale Wilson

European Correspondent
Ivan Sansom
Jon Van Daal
Copy Editor
Marissa Gaither
Poet Laureate
Bob Fisher
Senior Photographer
Ron Lewis
Adam Cranmer
James Drew
Todd Dziadosz
Steve Embling
S. Gruenwald
Zak Hawthorne
Bret Kepner
Tim Marshall
Mark Rebilas
Ivan Sansom
Jon Van Daal
Creative Director/Webmaster
Matt Schramel
Production Artist
Marissa Gaither
Site Programmer, IT Consultant
Adrienne Travis
Director of Sales
Darr Hawthorne
Chief Financial Officer
Richard Burk
Accounts Manager
Casey Araiza

Hosted by:

Just Wondering


Photo by Ian Tocher

Just Wondering… Why is the NHRA awards banquet in Palm Springs, CA, while NASCAR has theirs in downtown Manhattan? Are you telling me that a company that grosses over $100,000,000 a year and is located a short drive from Hollywood can’t find a venue in Tinseltown and instead holds their prestigious award banquet in the Mojave Desert?

Just Wondering… Quick follow up question: Do the NHRA and POWERade folks really believe that print and electronic media types -- many of whom have editors who don’t care for drag racing in the first place -- are going spend the money to rent a tux, buy an expensive airline ticket and stay in an expensive hotel in Palm Springs to cover the awards banquet? The answer is NO!

Just Wondering… Final question on this subject! Is the reason the NHRA holds their awards banquet the Monday following the last race of the season because the NHRA suits are anxious to get on with their vacation?  Or is it because the racers, owners and sponsors are already in the area and they evidently wouldn’t make another plane trip to pick up their loot?

Just Wondering… After the Ron Capps incident in a nostalgia fuel funny car this year what are the chances that future contracts for drag racing’s star drivers may prohibit them from driving in other nitro burning cars during the racing season?

Just Wondering… Did I miss it? Has the NHRA officially announced that the AMS Pro Mod circuit is on the schedule? I’ve read the press releases from the AMS series public relations department announcing the return and a tentative schedule, but nothing “official” as yet from the NHRA. Sponsorships and team’s futures may depend on some official word from the NHRA.

Just Wondering… With  NASCAR, CART and the IRL all moving in one way or the other to the ESPN/ESPN2 networks will the NHRA broadcast schedule be affected? Smart money says that NASCAR will get favored treatment over any other sport at those networks.

Just Wondering… Am I the only one amazed with the continuing performance increases by the NHRA Pro Stock class? They continue to go quicker and faster year after year with a 500 cubic-inch spec engine, spec gas and tires.

Just Wondering… How much longer will the NHRA sport compact series survive? More often lately the sport compact racers are turning up at “heads-up” races and doing quite well thank you.

Just Wondering… Did the NHRA add new turbocharged classes to Comp Eliminator to ensure sport compact racers would still have a place to race in the NHRA?

Just Wondering… Since the NHRA has adopted their own version of  NASCAR’s “Chase for the Championship” could we see also a  NASCAR-like “car of the future” for NHRA Pro Stock competition?

Just Wondering… How many more teams can Evan Knoll sponsor before that well finally runs dry?

Just Wondering… Speaking of new tracks, has anyone seen the earthmovers working on the long-promised and anticipated drag strip at Banning, CA?

Just Wondering… Will the NHRA organization, which grosses over $100,000,000 a year according to their tax returns, ever quit spending millions on “improvements” (luxury boxes)  at tracks they own and instead pay their Top Fuel and Funny Car World Champions at least a million bucks. Maybe then the mainstream press, who pay attention to those kinds of numbers, will have the perception that drag racing is in the same league as other major motorsports?

Just Wondering… How long will it be before there are no more single-car Top Fuel and Funny Car teams left in NHRA drag racing?

Just Wondering… With NASCAR moving to ESPN and ESPN2 this year will NHRA drag racing find at least its Saturday coverage being pre-empted and moved around even more?

Just Wondering… Will track owners east of the Rocky Mountains follow the lead of West Coast tracks and start booking Nostalgia Funny Car circuits and match races? Are there enough racers and promoters east of the Rockies that will spend money building or booking cars like their West Coast brethren do?

Just Wondering… With all of the empty seats we see at NHRA televised events (there are exceptions to that observation but damn few)  wouldn’t it make sense to lower the price for some of the seats and get more people in the stands? I have to wonder how much money a track makes on an empty seat?

Just Wondering… Why don’t the NHRA and IHRA management add Nostalgia Top Fuel and Funny Cars as legal classes at Divisional races only? Both the NHRA and the IHRA desperately need the equivalent of NASCAR’s Busch Series as developmental series, Divisional tracks need something that will bring fans to the divisional races, and it’s been proven over and over that Top Sportsman or alky-burning cars won’t do it.


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Burk's Blast "the publisher's corner" [11-13-06]
It was Deja Vu all over again