What a great article that basically covers the "scene" of N/FCs without bashing anyone. I think many people are trying to break into the N/FC scene east of the Rockies but many can't go the nitro side simply because of their chassis being limited to 7.50 and the total lack of knowledge ( money available to blow up lots of stuff while obtaining a diploma from nitro university) to run nitro. The pieces are out here to put a car together with pretty close period correct stuff, but, the cost of running alcohol to nitro puts a lot of people ( me anyway) in the Midwest in the alcohol class. My car is completely period correct with everything on it available in 1971 except for the shifter assembly. No electronics, transbrake, nothing but period items. I had no problem obtaining the parts to build it so I don't know why anyone else would. I consider myself a good scrounger when obtaining parts as I come from the "restoration" side of the car hobby but no special skills. It's an original Logghe chassis updated by Ty Baumgartner, Donovan 417, 6:71, Torqueflite, Dana 60. Paint by my buddy Ed Thomas, lettering, grille & tail lights by Tom Kelly & Kenny Youngblood. Still trying to get a tune up together on it but think we have it finally figured out. Time will tell as soon as we can do some testing. I usually don't write but you hit the nail on the head.
John Troxel
Holts Summit, Mo.
Jeff, you raise some good questions. Ultimately, the free market will decide how much interest there is in a sport that needs to be periodically tweaked to fit seasonal TV shifts. Sorry, but I feel you're missing the point. Maintaining a sustainable sport will likely follow more of a baseball template -- respect for tradition with an eye out for evolving the sport. The "players" will need to recognize and respond to the year in/year out fans and sponsors that truly keep our sport thrumming along, without reinventing things in knee-jerk reaction to sports media reports and perceived notions of up-market opportunities. We "all day" spectators will continue to offer up the foundation of both racer and fan prospects.
Philip Bradford
Tacoma, WA
Open letter to the TV gurus making NHRA Drag Racing Live:
John Force is right, the TV show is driving the drivers mad and it is not as good as it should be anyway. Bold statement you may say, but let me explain my thoughts.
We receive NHRA racing through a satellite provider here in Australia. Up until recently, I have not had a subscription, so my memory of Drag Racing TV is the classic shows from 10 to 20 years ago. Being interested in media I once asked how the shows were constructed. I was told to get it right they record on the weekend, edit on Monday and Tuesday, voice over on Wednesday and release it for air asap after that. This format, these shows and the sport were all better than the (faked) live telecast makes us look now.
Let’s look at the pro’s and con’s of the old school production method.
Con: it is not live, it costs more and the hard core know the result. Hmmm, hefty negatives, especially the “costs more.”
Pro: the best camera angles, the best replays, the best interviews including simultaneous action, can be woven in to a piece that has a narrative, that involves the viewer, entertains, informs and presents the sport in the best possible light, so someone who knows little about the sport is amped and jumping to attend an event.
Wow, how important is the next round of racing if it happens in the back ground while Billy Joe Bloggs is being interviewed at the end of the track.
Make a decision now. If live is important, connect the start line to the finish line and stop play while the interviews and ad breaks happen, or admit you are trying to ride two ponies at once and doing a poor job with both.
Stu Bond
What a relief to see Marty Reid back at the mike instead of that anal moron Paul Page. (ESPN Las Vegas coverage). I just hope the producers are aware of his unprofessional neglect and inattention to detail and furlough him for the rest of the year. Now, if they (ESPN) would just give Bob Frey an opportunity to host the coverage, that would be my wish. And, since Jerry Toliver isn't driving right now, wouldn't he give the program a splash of life?
Steve Justice