We’ve already had several letters about NHRA’s new Championship points system for 2007. We’ve decided to devote this batch to that single subject. –Ed.
PRO #1
I think the 2007 Countdown format will be great for the fans, sponsors and ESPN. The stands will be packed at Pomona 2.
Can the Agent get me a VIP suite pass? :)
James F Williams
Memphis, TN
CON #1
NHRA's new points system STINKS! NASCAR adopted a similar system (the fans are mostly agin it), so NHRA did so as well. Judging by the interviews given thus far on TV, the racers are against this. From a fan perspective, I hate it. I can envision that, towards the end of next year, as teams are completely eliminated from the championship hunt, they may, for budgetary reasons, see no point in attending any more events. Counting crew
So, you may end up with much smaller fields, possibly not even enough cars to fill out a 16-car field. Teams from California certainly won't drive cross country to run an event that won't do them any good. For teams still in the hunt, the points will be so tight over a 6-race period of time that a SINGLE dropped cylinder or tire shake would also dash any hopes of winning.
This isn't NASCAR, where a driver has 500 miles to make up for a single error. You screw up in 1/4 mile racing and that's it. If my favorite driver(s) aren't there, I tend to be less interested. This was done to increase interest? Given how close the points races often are, if the people aren't interested, then it's not a problem with your points system. Your problems are probably larger than that.
Steve Graham
Duluth, GA
CON #2
Sorry Jeff, I have to disagree with you. I can't stand NASCAR and I hate the fact NHRA is copying what the good ol' boys are doing. I don't see the motivation for teams to continue racing if they are outside the top eight after 17 races.
You say sponsors may jump on board with those remaining teams as if it's a good thing. However, I have seen you write about the mega teams hoarding the sponsors, which effectively squeezes out the smaller, single car teams. Do you really think NHRA has the stones to tell Force or Schumacher they can't have three cars in the final eight, if that's how the points should fall?
Say each team ends up with three cars in the top eight. Who is going to decide which car can't compete? Do you think Ford or Mopar will want NHRA to say one of their cars, that earned the points, is not able to compete? Do you think NHRA would stand up to those mega-sponsors?
Stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
Thank goodness the IHRA is returning to the Tulsa track next year. I know where I'll be getting my drag racing fix from now on.
Ted Kuburich
Springdale, Arkansas
For the first time the Philadelphia Inquirer did an article on NHRA’s new points race. They never do anything about drag racing, not even covering Englishtown race. I almost fell off toilet seat when I read article.
John Pizza Sr.