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The astrological sign for the month of June is Gemini, the Twins, so we are going to double test your drag racing knowledge with a series of questions regarding twins.

#1 What twin-engine dragster ran in the last Top Gas race in NHRAhistory?
A: The Kenner SSP Twin Chevy dragster C: The Freight Train
B: Ray Moats D: The Speedwagon
#2 What famous Chevy racer drove the car?
A: Jack Moss C: Ray Moats
B: Floyd Lippencott D: Jim Bucher
#3 What team owned and tuned the last twin-engine dragster to compete at an NHRA national event?
A: Mike and Louie Cavalieri
C: Walt and Art Arfons
B: Jack and Art Chrisman D: Ron and Jon Capps
#4 Who drove the first and only twin-engine Funny Car in NHRA history?
A: Danny Ongais C: Don Hampton
B: John Peters D: Ray Moats
#5 What drag racing magazine editor was a partner in the last twin-engine Top Fuel team in IHRA history?
A: Steve Collison C: Jeff Burk
B: David Freiberger D: John Asher

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Congratulations to our May quiz winner, Jeoffrey York, who was the first to answer all 5 questions correctly!


1. C, 2006
2. A, Greg Anderson
3. B, 58
4. C, Kurt Johnson
5. D, Bob Glidden