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Where would we be without the greasers?

Jeff, appreciated your grateful list. We all sometimes get caught up in the money and politics of the sport, and Lord knows... we ALL KNOW just how to fix everything that we deem wrong with it. But when you step back and take a breath, despite all the shortcomings, this is still one of the purest forms of competition, that will always gives you chills of awe and wonderment!

Love the tribute to Conrad; he's a treasure to the sport, and all his fellow racers owe him a huge thanks for always being that constant who will be there for anyone.

One more "grateful" I would like to add: to all those punks in the ‘50s who gave birth to drag racing despite all the obstacles, who were always pushing the envelope and creating a culture of pursuing excellence and speed. To the pioneers, I say, WE OWE YOU!

Mark Wales
Phoenix, Arizona

Spin, spin, spin

Just wondering... Del Worsham "retires" from driving? This would have absolutely NOTHING to do with a new driver coming aboard, would it? Kenny Bernstein "retires" to go golfing and traveling. This would have NOTHING to do with an associate sponsor who wouldn't pony up, would it? Who writes this stuff - NHRA's public relations dept? Just wondering....

Randy Johnson
Jasper, Georgia

Water on the brain?

Jok, look... it's not called drag racing for nothing. Key word: racing. Each and every driver knows the seriousness of the sport along with the risk that accompanies that risk. I don't care if you’re in a Top Fuel crash, or your at home in your lounge chair waiting for the grill to get hot, when your number’s up, sorry, see ya, gotta go.

As far as the shut down area, as well as the retaining walls, I would go with aqua barriers which tend to be a great energy dispel. I mean no disrespect, the safety issues at hand need to be addressed to the tenth power as speed increases to the third power. Think if this aquatic barrier had been installed, both the NHRA as well as NASCAR would be a lot better off in my opinion.

Dennis Sumner
Inwood, West Virginia