Confusion reigns
So, I used to race in the 80s, I left racing, and now, due to Street Outlaws, have decided to make a new car after all this time.
Seal is...I’m confused. WTH happened to Super Gas Super Pro starts? WTF is this stutter takeoff ... it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. So scratch building one of those if that’s what we are stuck with. Damn, it’s just pathetic... I won’t even watch them at pro events like Vegas, it’s that bad. totally blows to watch.
Next is the Mod classes which I’m more inclined to build for now.
Looking to put a Sonny 959 Ford/Chevy into a ’69 Mach 1 carbon shell with a Haas or Bickel chassis. Now, the confusion starts with choice of induction – turbos, nitrous or blowers... is there a clear-cut advantage to any one of these? I’m not against putting in a nice twin turbo Chevy setup in the ’stang either. Whatever works needs to work. As I have observed there’s advantages to each one.
tracks.. are we running 1,000-foot or is it 1320? I’m like really confused on timeslips I’m seeing. Is it from a 1,000-foot track or a good old 1320?
1/8 mile is 1/8 mile, but you guys assume way too much everyone from the outside looking in knows what’s going on. I know most the terminology and raced plenty of tracks but the current "setups" defy logic week to week. Low ET isn’t low ET to me now, it’s some made up fast number for millennials to feel good about. Tracks need to mention SOMEWHERE if it’s a low ET record on 1000 foot or low ET 1320.
And my last major peeve... when did drag racing become so "clean cut" – it’s so clean it’s boring. Thank God Vegas had a Halloween day because it was FUN to watch for once. PC culture has invaded drag racing way too much.
IDK... I got some cash to burn, I just don't know if it’s worth it though. There’s no spectators like Jok mentioned? That’s pretty bad.
That’s about it... just venting some. I had a 5-second car in 1980... stock heads/1 1050 2 speed auto - had I not quit going that be a 3-second machine now if I had kept at it.
I beat Tommy Johnson Jr too back then. Now, not so likely.
Oh... is Tommy Sr. still around or has life marched on? Just curious on that one.
ra dj
After beating cancer many years ago, Tommy Johnson Sr. is well. – Ed.
We want Top Fuel Harleys
Top Fuel Harleys would bring a huge fan base to the NHRA broadcasts. I’ve often wondered why they don’t show these races, and how many Harley riders are there in the USA....
Don Lanier
The ADRL has just added Top Fuel Harleys for the 2017. NHRA puts the Harleys in the sportsman ranks. – Ed.
Thanks for returning DRO series
I just had to write you to offer my sincere thanks for bring back the DRO Series. I really enjoyed participating in the “Original” DRO Series. It was great fun for us racers and the many fans it drew. The Series was professionally and fairly run by both you and the tracks. I can only guess how much time, work, money and effort you had to put in to pull off this Series. I also know all the insults and crap you had to put up with from the moron ”want-to-be” racers like some of the jerks from Classic Funny Car Chat. Because of that, though very disappointed, I wasn’t too surprised when you canceled it.
I don’t know why you decided to bring it back, but I could not be more thrilled especially since the I.H.R.A. has dropped the Nitro events. I know how important it is to the sport to keep the Nostalgia Funny Car Class alive, not only for us old time racers that love nitro, but for the fans that really appreciate watching us race.
Again Jeff, thanks and I look forward to seeing you soon. See if you can schedule some races closer to Chicago like Cordova or Byron. There are a great many fans in the area. Please keep the same “rules” you had for the old Series for true “heads-up” racing. (I can’t believe that some are trying to introduce indexing for NFC racing. When us “Old School” guys go to a Drag Strip, we go to race not to “show”.)
Please don’t forget that there are many of us out here that really appreciate and respect what you and your publications do for our sport.
David Jungel
“Crew guy” from the Violator