Had it not rained and caused the delay the race would have been completed. Both Halladay and Krabill were awarded 90 points with the winner getting another 10 when the winner is determined.
Even though a winner wasn’t determined, the DragRacingOnline.com AA/FC Challenge was by any measure a benchmark race for AA/FC racing in the Midwest.
A dozen AA/FC’s that meet the NHRA safety guidelines for Nostalgia Funny Cars and the DRO AA/FC Challenge rules, came to the event to qualify for just eight spots. The cars were from all over the Midwest with teams also coming from as far away as California and Delaware.
Kris Krabill smokes the hides in Gary Turner’s “Pedaler”. The Orange, California-based team went to the final round.
(Don Eckert photo)
Nine teams showed up for the Friday night qualifying session and veteran Midwest Funny Car racers driver Doc Halladay and tuner Jerry Newman set the pace early with a very respectable 6.099/230.88 pass.