Extreme Import 2 was equally exciting, although the cars were slightly slower, that made no difference to the crowd. Miguel Ortiz took won an all Team USA first round win with a7.546-179.73 over Abel Burgus at 8.17-165.17. Michael Baghdadi then made a respectable pass, a 7.400-190.67 out of his turbo six cylinder from Australia over Jorge Juarbe, who trailed at an 8.293-154.86.
Two Orlando-based machines were up next with Orlando Torres stoping Chanito Vasquez with an 8.385-145.00. Edwin Burgess's Naharjito, PR-based turbo ‘89 Carolla with a rotary motor ran 8.06/164.21 to send Boris Rojas back home to Kissimmee with 10.11.
Miguel Ortiz then limped down the track with a 17-second pass as Torres broke. Baghdadi was still struggling to get his car to ET and was soundly beaten by Burgess. He stepped up the pace from the previous round with a7.894-164.01. Baghdadi trailed at a.8.751-178.19.
The stage was set for the final. Burgess (shown) had lane choice. Ortiz had run in the 7.50's and Burgess in the 7.80's. It would be Ortiz for Team USA and Burgess for Team PR. The tree came down and it was over, a -.199 red light for Ortiz. Burgess left for the win and a .109 light went for naught as about 800 feet out he got in some fluid, either from his car or on the track.
The car turned right, across the centerline and slammed the right retaining wall, spun around a couple of times and came to rest. He got out, unhurt. Ortiz was your winner.