Kelly Bluebaugh had some traction woes, but made the cut at 6.913 @ 218.66 mph, showing real potential!
Rounding out the twelve car field were Wayne Glasgow’s 2001 Camaro from AZ , Joe Alsworth’s Highway 69 ‘37 Chevy, the brand new ‘79 Camaro of Granite City, CA’a Rod Pearce, and Randy Walker’s Pro motorsports El Camino.
Round one featured a win for Mark Wolfe, as his .617 RT didn’t matter as the NHRA racer never gave up in his match up with Wayne Glasgow, just narrowly defeating the Arizona racer in the lights at 7.087 @ 191.89 mph to Wayne’s trailing 7.688 @ 178.21 mph.
Kelly Bluebaugh produced a fine 6.553 @ 216.97 mph in a fine race with a very game Mack Moffat at 6.847 @ 206.83 mph.
Mike Bowman could not hold his big bad Chevelle at the starting line long enough and caught a bad red light start, giving an instant win to a happy Tony Marino and crew.