Then, of course, there was a costume contest for everyone who decided to dress up (and there are a lot who do). There was also the adult costume contest, but the less said about that, the better.
On Saturday evening, the track held a trick or treating event for the kids. Dressed in their ghoulish finery, they went from trailer to trailer, receiving candy and other treats. Every night, a huge bonfire is the center of the after race action. As the flames hold the night at bay, beverages are consumed, lies are told, and war stories are traded.
Then Sunday the rains came, putting a real damper on the festivities. Say what you will about the New Crew, but they’re resilient. They will (and did!) exhaust all resources and take as much time as necessary to get an event in. Unfortunately, Mother Nature was just too much for them, so their decision was to reschedule the race for Monday afternoon.