Perennial contender and multi-time champ Brian Mitchell occupied his familiar position atop the EFI Renegade field with an awesome 8.37 before heading into eliminations. There, he met up with Alton Clements, who treed him, then powered through the traps with an 8.51 to take home a win in his first race since the middle of last season.
Craig Baldwin
Real Street and Bruce Hemminger have become quite familiar over the last decade, with Hemminger’s nitrous machine at the front of the pack at Saturday’s end with a sweet 9.36 pass. In the final, Craig Baldwin uncorked a perfect reaction time on Hemminger, who missed third gear and had to shut down, handing Baldwin the easy win.
A 10.13 and the top qualifier spot was Pure Street racer Brandon Alsept’s reward for a few weeks of hard work since the last event. Alsept met up with Teddy Weaver in the final round, where dual wheelstands on the launch led to Alsept turning on the win light with a 10.10 at 132 mph to Weaver’s 10.15.
Jeremy Gillam
Mean Street champ Jeremy Gillam continued his roll by beating the competition to the stripe for the number-one qualifier spot with a 10.08 at nearly 132 mph heading into Sunday. The final saw Don Baskin turned on the win light with his best pass of the weekend with a 9.98 at 132 mph while Gillam slowed down with apparent problems.