With parachutes waving high in the air, journeyman racer Phil Read slows from the quickest and fastest pass of the weekend – a 4.616/305.01 first round win over brother in law - Terry Sainty. A semi final 4.914 and final round 4.900 finished off a great weekend. “We won the race, set low elapsed time and top speed of the meeting and scored enough points to also take out the Shannons Competition and a nice cheque for the bonus $3000. Thanks also to my sponsors and a big thank you to my great crew who deserve this for all their hard work”, Read stated after the event.
With his engine’s flames high and proud Damien Harris (near lane) has taken a solid lead into his semi final race against Mark Mariani. A .876 to 1.003 at the sixty foot beans turned into a 4.823 to slowing 8.756 as the pair crossed the finish line to put the banana colored car into the finals against Phil Read.