This year, instead of bringing out their Pro Fuel Dragsters (A/Fuel Dragsters), the IHRA broke out four fuel altereds of the nostalgia flavor, not a common group for the IHRA, to begin the on-track action. The Bradford Family arrived with Randy Bradford behind the wheel, along with the ageless Nasty Dave Benjamin, with Tom Padilla up. Nanook was supposed to have Ron Capps behind the wheel, but scheduling conflicts prevented Capps from being in Salt Lake and Ron W. Maroney took the job of wheeling the bright green and white altered. The fourth of the group was the Pure Hell machine with journeyman fuel car driver Jason Richey behind the butterfly.
The other interesting part of the event was the appearance of the Grave Digger monster truck with slicks on the back, a car crushing tank transformer called Megasaursus, and the Shock Wave jet truck. The Grave Digger and Shock Wave match raced (bracket style) to the eighth mile; each took a win. The Megasaurus transformed into a dinosaur and destroyed a junked car out on the racing surface. Then the thirty minute intermission was used to clean and re-prep the track. Ed Jones was also on hand with his world renowned Jelly Belly/Lucas Oil Stage Coach wheelstander. These spectacles were a hit with many fans, especially the kids, in Salt Lake.