Hedman Hedders Nostalgia Street Car had a very large field, with Jeff Gatten taking the top spot in qualifying. In the final round, it was Mike Nordahl and Steve Cox. In a surprising twist, a perfect 6.510 on a 6.51 index by Cox was beaten by a 6.689 on a 6.67 thanks to Nordahl’s better reaction time. Nordahl also was named the Mother’s Best Appearing car. (Paul Schmitz photo)
B&M Open Comp had 47 entries in Pomona, and leading the pack was Steve Mundy with a .003 reaction time. In the final, it was Dustin Lee and Brandon Moreno. In a double-breakout situation, Lee (far lane) was the lesser offender and earned took home the Wally. (Paul Schmitz photo)
Granatelli Motorsports Mustang Madness had a 29-car field, led by Steven Porcho. Porcho found himself in the final facing 5.0 Mustang Magazine Technical Editor KJ Jones. Jones drilled the tree with an .016 light (after cutting a perfect light earlier in eliminations) and was followed with a red light from Porcho, turning on Jones’ win light. (Tim Marshall photo)