Joel Matton wasn’t the only one diggin’ racing at Boise.
Nostalgia drag racing gives those of us who are just a tick over that half-century mark in age a chance to revisit our past and remember our childhood. Many of us remember going to the races as a family and it being a family event. Back to when we either went to the races or lived it vicariously through the different magazines that showed the cars in action at places like Englishtown, Irwindale, the Patch and OCIR.
So each year the New family at Firebird Raceway takes everybody back to the days of yesteryear and this year was the 33rd Annual Snap On Oldies But Goodies Drag N’ Show on June 1-2.
Numerous classes are run every year allowing for different categories based on year and model of cars. With ten different classes and then a number of gambler classes competed many competitors entered their cars in several categories to ensure a great deal of fun for those who chose to do so. Over a dozen different winners were crowned in the two days of racing.
For those who choose polish on their cars rather than thrash on them at the dragstrip, there are two wonderful show and shine opportunities on both Saturday and Sunday.
Drag racing has traditionally been a family sport. A sport where everybody -- brothers and sisters, mom and dad -- can participate and enjoy themselves. This fact holds true at Firebird and especially at the Oldies this year on Sunday.
The Shumway family have been a staple at the racetrack since its inception and have been honored by the New family for the Shumways’ involvement over the past forty years. This year on Sunday, it almost seemed like it was going to the Shumway Invitational rather than the Oldies, as three members of the Shumway family made their way to the final rounds in three different classes.