The third year of the Dragstalgia meeting represented a quantum leap in delivery of nostalgia events at Santa Pod. Assisted considerably by the weather (wet stuff having blighted the previous two), our impressions from a brief visit were overwhelmingly favourable and perhaps the only concern would be that this event could get too big; some aspects are being looked at by the event management to keep it at a manageable and appropriately relaxed level. Rather than our usual extensive race reports, we’ll have a brief moment of self-indulgence and concentrate on ‘things we like’.
We’ve already flagged up the debut of Doc Stinger’s gorgeous Dodge BB/FC in the news snippet that emerged on Agent1320 notes, but accept our indulgence of featuring it again here. The chassis carries some history as it’s a Sarte that did some time underneath Tom Hoover’s early eighties Showtime ‘vette that became part of the Santa Pod house flopper fleet. The Corvette body was also in the vicinity as it’s been revamped and reworked to cloak the Draper Brothers blown alky Reckless Rat that appeared as an altered last year. Mag problems prevented the burgundy beauty from making much of impression on track, but hopefully we’ll get to see it (and photograph it!) next time around.
The Wild’r at Heart team are becoming a stalwart of the nostalgia scene across mainland Europe and that little outpost we call Blighty. Ramon van der Weurf’s Charger managed to hold it together for some low sevens and low ET for the six Nostalgia Funny Cars that were on site (including Andy Raw’s VW Beetle, Wendy Baker’s TimeWarp Mustang and the Garlick and Antoniou brand spanking new Trans Am that arrived direct from ICE Automotive after we’d left the grounds).