For those who have never experienced the beauty of southwestern Idaho in the springtime, it only can be described as awesome. In order to get that way Mother Nature must from time to time supply the area with precipitation.
Well, Mother Nature must have felt she had fallen behind on the curve and decided that this weekend would be as good a time as any to play catch up. Thus, for the entire April 25-27 weekend the staffs of Firebird Raceway and the NHRA worked their fannies off between rainstorms and cold blustery days to get the Firebird Raceway track ready for racing.
On Friday, the first day of qualifying for the NHRA Heritage Series Funny Cars, the conditions were more favorable for the Iditarod. The cold weather just would not allow much temperature to get into the track surface and the 64-degree track temperature made it difficult for the tuners to give a precise tune up. This was a case where less is more. Many teams had issues with the conditions and were spinning and shaking, skating around.
Roger Garten
Robert Overholser and Roger Garten did synchronized skating, showing everybody both sides of their rides simultaneously.
One crew chief walking back to the pits said, “Man, you just can’t take enough out of it on a day like this. It is hard, but it is the same for everybody.”