If you have ever watched the BBC show Top Gear, you may have seen double decker races before: one car stacked on top of another. The driver of the top car steers, bottom driver works the brakes and throttle. There is no communication between the two during the race.
James Day, the driver of Gary Turner’s Peddler funny car, and crew chief Chris Nance, who was there to match race Bob Godfrey, were trying to find a way to get into one of these cars. However, time constraints did not allow this to take place. (Thank God!)
Along with Godfrey and Day, the top fuel car of Chuck Neal and Rick White was also on hand.
The race cars for both halves of the event were pitted in the same area, separated by a small fence which did not allow the vehicles to comingle. However, drivers and crews did take opportunities to walk around and see how the other half lived.