Bob Toth in the “Time Bomb” Vega.
Mark Horvath in the “Damn Yankee” Vega.
The first round saw the “Time Bomb” Vega run a 6.7103/204.27 for the East with the “Damn Yankee” Vega topping the Midwest with a 7.2139/190.03.
The second round kept the spectators on their feet also, and this time it was the “Warpath” pushing one of the foam blocks right behind the “Damn Yankee” as he was backing up from his burnout.
The “Time Bomb” ran another 6.70 run in the second round hoping that would get him in the final. It was not to happen as Kim McKean driving the “Agent Orange” Duster stopped the timers at 6.5088/215.62 making his run the quickest from the East.