Mark Horvath bettered his time from the first round a little with a 7.2129 putting him in his third straight and five total Funny Car National finals.

Horvath knew he was the underdog, giving up more than a half a second, and did what he had to do and treed the Duster with a .115 to a .448. The Vega held on to about half-track and then the Duster made his move crossing the finish line with a 6.81/182 to a slowing 7.56/169 for the Vega.

Two of the East Coast heavy hitting injected cars also joined in on the fun, Willie Johnson in the “No Money No Funny” Nova and Frank Barnard in the “Poison Arrow.” Barnard ran a best of 7.8848 against Johnson’s 8.0047. The Nova had a transmission problem so the Arrow made a single in the finals.