Working in the Bowen team’s pit. (Michael Fischbeck photo)
The Sanders team did routine maintenance preparing for the final against two-time DRO Champ Bowen. The “Violator” team, on the other hand, appeared to have a little more to do to get ready. At about 10:30 p.m. the two teams pulled into the water for the last race.
Bowen must have upped the nitro percentage for the final round as the nitro fumes formed a cloud around the car and the normally stoic starting line crew and observers were seen coughing and crying from the fumes coming from the Michigan team’s headers.
At the last yellow Sanders stepped on the throttle and left on the normally very quick-leaving Bowen. Sanders had a .079 to Bowen’s respectable .090. Despite the leave, Bowen caught and passed Sanders, but then at about 900 feet “death smoke” stared pouring from the Pontiac’s headers and Sanders, who never gave up, pedaled and then buried the throttle, catching and passing Bowen for the prestigious World Series of Drag Racing win.