Damon Kuhn's ‘61 Plymouth, all the way from Texas.

Damon Kuhn made the long haul from Texas worthwhile with a stellar .02 reaction win over Buck Schooler. Not to be out done, Tom Gaines and his bright red Dodge posted a .01 light to move on to the second round. In a battle of youth against experience, the elder Dennis Eudaley’s red light gave the win to Corimac Frees who had a nice .03 reaction.

BJ Bax's ‘65 GTO

The anticipation and excitement grew as the vintage muscle cars pulled up for round two. BJ Bax’s awesome .01 light was not enough to take the win over Jon Landwehr when his potent Pontiac lost traction. Past Series Champion, Tom Hoffman’s .02 light moved him on to the next round. Russ Beren’s .007 reaction left Corimac Frees with no chance to win and served as a reminder why he is the points leader.