Jay Freihage and Rosie Kossuth in the lanes before their run.

Rosie Kossuth, the Queen of Victory NSS.

Eliminations started on a gorgeous September Sunday morning. The first pair out had the lone female racer in the class, Rosie Kossuth, utilizing a nice .06 light to take out the wheelstanding ‘Cuda of Jay Freihage. Missouri racer Jim Brandon coupled a .06 reaction with a dead on 9.75 to take out the too quick Dodge of Kevin Miller.

Matt Mothershed's ‘62 Max Wedge Plymouth, fogging for mosquitoes.

Matt Mothershed had a great .04 light but the new tune up on his Max Wedge Plymouth was too much, causing a too fast 11.34 on his 11.5 index and giving the win to Randy Vanhook.